Schriften von Dee Lusby, Mutter der behandlungsfreien Bioimkerei
15 Jahre behandlungsfreies Imkern
15 Jahre behandlungsfreies Imkern mit kleinzelligen Bienen nach Anleitung von Ed&Dee Lusby
Schriften von Dee Lusby, Mutter der behandlungsfreien Bioimkerei
15 Jahre behandlungsfreies Imkern mit kleinzelligen Bienen nach Anleitung von Ed&Dee Lusby
Der derzeitige Einsatz von Glyphosat in Europa hat zu einer weitreichenden Umweltverschmutzung geführt, wobei das Herbizid im menschlichen Urin, Hausstaub, Böden und Oberflächengewässern nachgewiesen wurde. Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse deuten darauf hin,…
Natural Size Foundation is the Best Natural Size Foundation is the Best ABJ, November, 1996 – Page 757-758 I’m a Belgian beekeeper and I read with interest the article “Natural…
Lusby’s Bee Biometrics Lusby’s Bee Biometrics Prof. Dr. N. Koeniger INSTITUT FUR BIENENKUNDE (Polytechnische Gesellschaft) Fachbereich Biologie der J. W. Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main 6370 Oberursel 1 Im Rothkopf 5…
W.A.S. Conference W.A.S. Conference Apiculture News- July/August 1997 Dr. Eric Erickson was our final presenter at the meeting. He was a little disappointed that his AHBs were so tame at…
Lusbys Receive W.A.S. Memorial Award Lusbys Receive W.A.S. Memorial Award ABJ – December, 1997 The Western Apicultural Society is proud to announce the selection of Ed and Dee Lusby, Tucson,…
Beekeeping on the Fringe, with Ed & Dee Lusby Bee Culture – January, 1998 Kim Flottum Dee and Ed Lusby are fringe people. They live in Tucson, Arizona, but they…
Suggested Biological Manipulative Field Management for Control of Honeybee Mites – Part 2 Suggested Biological Manipulative Field Management for Control of Honeybee Mites – Part 2 The Way Back to…
Suggested Biological Manipulative Field Management for Control of Honeybee Mites – Part 1 Suggested Biological Manipulative Field Management for Control of Honeybee Mites – Part 1 The Way Back to…
Bee Breeding in the Field: Part 5 Bee Breeding in the Field: Part 5 The Way Back to Biological Beekeeping, Part 20 Projecting Breeding Cycles Beekeepers should remember when projecting…